
The list of all the talks that I have given.


  • Total number of talks: 37.
  • Number of talks as plenary/invited speaker: 3.
  • Number of talks by invitation (in conferences where all the talks were by invitation): 11.
  • Number of contributed talks: 23.
  • 2024

    1. Contributed
      Vertex trantisive graph with (very) small movement
      Auckland, New Zealand. 13. Feb 2024.


    1. By invitation
      No me amenaces... no me amenaces (con que ya son todos)
      Math seminar FisMat UMSNH
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 12. Nov 2023.
    2. Contributed
      Cayley extensions of maniplexes and polytopes
      Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. 20. Jun 2023.


    1. By invitation
      Voltage operations on maniplexes, maps and polytopes
      Seminar Dicrete Mathematics UL FMF
      Ljubljana, Slovenia. 15. Nov 2022.
    2. By invitation
      Voltage operations on maniplexes, maps and polytopes
      Mathematics research seminar
      Koper, Slovenia. 14. Nov 2022.
    3. By invitation
      Extensiones de politopos áltamente simétricos (Extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)
      Mexico City, Mexico. 5. Apr 2022.


    1. By invitation
      Highly symmetric polytopes with prescribed local combinatorics
      Online. 2. Mar 2021.


    1. Invited speaker
      Toros cuadriculados muy simétricos (Highly symmetric squared tori)
      Encuentro Nororiental de Matemáticas 2020 (online)
      Pamplona, Colombia. 18. Nov 2020.


    1. By invitation
      A family of regular hypertopes built from regular polytopes
      Toronto, ON., Canada. 7. Dec 2019.
    2. By invitation
      ¿Qué ch*****os hace un matemático puro y por qué les pagamos por ello?
      Cycle "Tomando ciencia"
      Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 10. Aug 2019.
    3. Contributed
      Highly symmetric toroidal polytopes
      Bled, Slovenia. 27. Jun 2019.


    1. Contributed
      Extensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)
      Villahermosa, Tab. Mexico. 23. Oct 2018.
    2. Contributed
      Extensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Aug 2018.
    3. Contributed
      Chiral extensions of regular toroids
      Rogla, Slovenia. 3. Jul 2018.
    4. Contributed
      Chiral extensions of regular toroids
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 26. Jun 2018.
    5. Contributed
      De un ejemplo con gráficas a un problema con toros (From an example with graphs to a problem on tori)
      La Habana, Cuba. 5. Mar 2018.


    1. By invitation
      Simetrías de toros cuadriculados (Symmetries of squared tori)
      Graduate students seminar CIMAT
      Guanajuato, Gto. Mexico. 10. Nov 2017.
    2. By invitation
      Chiral extensions of chiral polytopes
      Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico. 14. Aug 2017.
    3. Invited speaker
      Cubos de colores y otras cosas similares (Coloured cubes and some other similar objects)
      Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 26. Jul 2017.
    4. By invitation
      Cubic toroids with few flag-orbits
      Seminar of Combinatorics and Group Theory, UL-PeF
      Ljubljana, Slovenia. 15. Feb 2017.


    1. Contributed
      Cubos generalizados y extensiones de politopos abstractos (Generalised cubes and extensions of abstract polytopes)
      Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico. 25. Oct 2016.
    2. Contributed
      Toros envolviendo esferas y otras aberraciones similares (Tori wrapping spheres and other similar aberrations)
      Aquelarre Matemático 2016
      Mexico City, Mexico. 11. Oct 2016.
    3. Contributed
      Extensiones de politopos abstractos altamente simétricos (Chiral extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)
      Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 18. Aug 2016.
    4. Invited speaker
      Toros cuadriculados y sus simetrías (Squared tori and their symmetries)
      "16th Summer school in mathematics CCM - UNAM"
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Jun 2016.
    5. Contributed
      Equivelar toroids with few flag-orbits
      Queenstown, New Zealand. 16. Feb 2016.


    1. Contributed
      Teselaciones simétricas del toro n-dimensional (Symmetric tessellations of the n-dimensional torus)
      Aquelarre Matemático 2015
      Mexico City, Mexico. 16. Oct 2015.
    2. Contributed
      Politopos abstractos y algunos de sus grupos (Abstract polytopes and some of their groups)
      Graduate students seminar CCM
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 18. Aug 2015.
    3. Contributed
      "Simetrías: un paseo por la geometría, los mosaicos y los grupos (Symmetries: a walk through geometry, tilings and groups)"
      Degustaciones Matemáticas 2015
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 14. Feb 2015.


    1. Contributed
      Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus
      West Malvern, U.K.. 7. Jul 2014.
    2. By invitation
      Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
      Graduate students seminar IM UNAM
      Mexico City, Mexico. 1. Apr 2014.


    1. Contributed
      Poliedros regulares ¿Aún siguen de moda? (Regular polyhedra, are they still trendy?)
      Graduate students seminar CCM
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 8. Nov 2013.
    2. Contributed
      Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
      46th National Conference of the Mexican Mathematical Society
      Mérida, Yuc. Mexico. 28. Oct 2013.
    3. Contributed
      Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
      28th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applications
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 5. Mar 2013.


    1. Contributed
      Poliedros regulares en pantalla de videojuegos (Regular polyhedra on a video games screen)
      Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNH
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 10. Nov 2012.
    2. Contributed
      Coloración en gráficas infinitas (Colorings of infinite graphs)
      Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNH
      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 15. May 2012.


    1. Contributed
      "Permutaciones: ¿Funciones biyectivas o simples revolturas? (Permutations: bijections or just jumbles?)"
      44th National Conference of the Mexican Mathematical Society
      San Luis Potosí, SLP. Mexico. 12. Oct 2011.
    2. Contributed
      Una forma 'barata' de garantizar triángulos en una gráfica (A 'cheap' way of guarantee triangles in a graph)
      26th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applications
      Pachuca, Hgo. Mexico. 11. Mar 2011.
  • International audience

    1. Contributed
      Vertex trantisive graph with (very) small movement
      Auckland, New Zealand. 13. Feb 2024.
      1. Contributed
        Cayley extensions of maniplexes and polytopes
        Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. 20. Jun 2023.
        1. Invited speaker
          Toros cuadriculados muy simétricos (Highly symmetric squared tori)
          Encuentro Nororiental de Matemáticas 2020 (online)
          Pamplona, Colombia. 18. Nov 2020.
          1. By invitation
            A family of regular hypertopes built from regular polytopes
            Toronto, ON., Canada. 7. Dec 2019.
            1. Contributed
              Highly symmetric toroidal polytopes
              Bled, Slovenia. 27. Jun 2019.
              1. Contributed
                Chiral extensions of regular toroids
                Rogla, Slovenia. 3. Jul 2018.
                1. Contributed
                  Chiral extensions of regular toroids
                  Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 26. Jun 2018.
                  1. By invitation
                    Chiral extensions of chiral polytopes
                    Oaxaca, Oax. Mexico. 14. Aug 2017.
                    1. Contributed
                      Equivelar toroids with few flag-orbits
                      Queenstown, New Zealand. 16. Feb 2016.
                      1. Contributed
                        Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus
                        West Malvern, U.K.. 7. Jul 2014.
                      2. National audience

                        1. Contributed
                          Una forma 'barata' de garantizar triángulos en una gráfica (A 'cheap' way of guarantee triangles in a graph)
                          26th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applications
                          Pachuca, Hgo. Mexico. 11. Mar 2011.
                          1. Contributed
                            "Permutaciones: ¿Funciones biyectivas o simples revolturas? (Permutations: bijections or just jumbles?)"
                            44th National Conference of the Mexican Mathematical Society
                            San Luis Potosí, SLP. Mexico. 12. Oct 2011.
                            1. Contributed
                              Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
                              46th National Conference of the Mexican Mathematical Society
                              Mérida, Yuc. Mexico. 28. Oct 2013.
                              1. Contributed
                                Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
                                28th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applications
                                Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 5. Mar 2013.
                                1. Invited speaker
                                  Toros cuadriculados y sus simetrías (Squared tori and their symmetries)
                                  "16th Summer school in mathematics CCM - UNAM"
                                  Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Jun 2016.
                                  1. Contributed
                                    Extensiones de politopos abstractos altamente simétricos (Chiral extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)
                                    Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 18. Aug 2016.
                                    1. Invited speaker
                                      Cubos de colores y otras cosas similares (Coloured cubes and some other similar objects)
                                      Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 26. Jul 2017.
                                      1. Contributed
                                        Cubos generalizados y extensiones de politopos abstractos (Generalised cubes and extensions of abstract polytopes)
                                        Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico. 25. Oct 2016.
                                        1. Contributed
                                          De un ejemplo con gráficas a un problema con toros (From an example with graphs to a problem on tori)
                                          La Habana, Cuba. 5. Mar 2018.
                                          1. Contributed
                                            Extensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)
                                            Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Aug 2018.
                                            1. Contributed
                                              Extensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)
                                              Villahermosa, Tab. Mexico. 23. Oct 2018.
                                            2. Local audience / seminars

                                              1. Contributed
                                                Poliedros regulares ¿Aún siguen de moda? (Regular polyhedra, are they still trendy?)
                                                Graduate students seminar CCM
                                                Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 8. Nov 2013.
                                                1. Contributed
                                                  Poliedros regulares en pantalla de videojuegos (Regular polyhedra on a video games screen)
                                                  Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNH
                                                  Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 10. Nov 2012.
                                                  1. Contributed
                                                    Coloración en gráficas infinitas (Colorings of infinite graphs)
                                                    Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNH
                                                    Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 15. May 2012.
                                                    1. Contributed
                                                      "Simetrías: un paseo por la geometría, los mosaicos y los grupos (Symmetries: a walk through geometry, tilings and groups)"
                                                      Degustaciones Matemáticas 2015
                                                      Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 14. Feb 2015.
                                                      1. Contributed
                                                        Teselaciones simétricas del toro n-dimensional (Symmetric tessellations of the n-dimensional torus)
                                                        Aquelarre Matemático 2015
                                                        Mexico City, Mexico. 16. Oct 2015.
                                                        1. By invitation
                                                          Poliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)
                                                          Graduate students seminar IM UNAM
                                                          Mexico City, Mexico. 1. Apr 2014.
                                                          1. Contributed
                                                            Politopos abstractos y algunos de sus grupos (Abstract polytopes and some of their groups)
                                                            Graduate students seminar CCM
                                                            Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 18. Aug 2015.
                                                            1. Contributed
                                                              Toros envolviendo esferas y otras aberraciones similares (Tori wrapping spheres and other similar aberrations)
                                                              Aquelarre Matemático 2016
                                                              Mexico City, Mexico. 11. Oct 2016.
                                                              1. By invitation
                                                                Simetrías de toros cuadriculados (Symmetries of squared tori)
                                                                Graduate students seminar CIMAT
                                                                Guanajuato, Gto. Mexico. 10. Nov 2017.
                                                                1. By invitation
                                                                  Cubic toroids with few flag-orbits
                                                                  Seminar of Combinatorics and Group Theory, UL-PeF
                                                                  Ljubljana, Slovenia. 15. Feb 2017.
                                                                  1. By invitation
                                                                    ¿Qué ch*****os hace un matemático puro y por qué les pagamos por ello?
                                                                    Cycle "Tomando ciencia"
                                                                    Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 10. Aug 2019.
                                                                    1. By invitation
                                                                      Voltage operations on maniplexes, maps and polytopes
                                                                      Mathematics research seminar
                                                                      Koper, Slovenia. 14. Nov 2022.
                                                                      1. By invitation
                                                                        Voltage operations on maniplexes, maps and polytopes
                                                                        Seminar Dicrete Mathematics UL FMF
                                                                        Ljubljana, Slovenia. 15. Nov 2022.
                                                                        1. By invitation
                                                                          Highly symmetric polytopes with prescribed local combinatorics
                                                                          Online. 2. Mar 2021.
                                                                          1. By invitation
                                                                            No me amenaces... no me amenaces (con que ya son todos)
                                                                            Math seminar FisMat UMSNH
                                                                            Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 12. Nov 2023.
                                                                            1. By invitation
                                                                              Extensiones de politopos áltamente simétricos (Extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)
                                                                              Mexico City, Mexico. 5. Apr 2022.