The list of all the talks that I have given.
- Total number of talks: 37.
- Number of talks as plenary/invited speaker: 3.
- Number of talks by invitation (in conferences where all the talks were by invitation): 11.
- Number of contributed talks: 23.
- ContributedVertex trantisive graph with (very) small movementAuckland, New Zealand. 13. Feb 2024.
- ContributedCayley extensions of maniplexes and polytopesKranjska Gora, Slovenia. 20. Jun 2023.
- By invitationExtensiones de politopos áltamente simétricos (Extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)Mexico City, Mexico. 5. Apr 2022.
- By invitationHighly symmetric polytopes with prescribed local combinatoricsOnline. 2. Mar 2021.
- Invited speakerToros cuadriculados muy simétricos (Highly symmetric squared tori)Encuentro Nororiental de Matemáticas 2020 (online)Pamplona, Colombia. 18. Nov 2020.
- By invitationA family of regular hypertopes built from regular polytopesToronto, ON., Canada. 7. Dec 2019.
- By invitation¿Qué ch*****os hace un matemático puro y por qué les pagamos por ello?Cycle "Tomando ciencia"Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 10. Aug 2019.
- ContributedHighly symmetric toroidal polytopesBled, Slovenia. 27. Jun 2019.
- ContributedExtensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)Villahermosa, Tab. Mexico. 23. Oct 2018.
- ContributedExtensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Aug 2018.
- ContributedChiral extensions of regular toroidsRogla, Slovenia. 3. Jul 2018.
- ContributedChiral extensions of regular toroidsMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 26. Jun 2018.
- ContributedDe un ejemplo con gráficas a un problema con toros (From an example with graphs to a problem on tori)La Habana, Cuba. 5. Mar 2018.
- By invitationSimetrías de toros cuadriculados (Symmetries of squared tori)Graduate students seminar CIMATGuanajuato, Gto. Mexico. 10. Nov 2017.
- By invitationChiral extensions of chiral polytopesOaxaca, Oax. Mexico. 14. Aug 2017.
- Invited speakerCubos de colores y otras cosas similares (Coloured cubes and some other similar objects)Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 26. Jul 2017.
- By invitationCubic toroids with few flag-orbitsSeminar of Combinatorics and Group Theory, UL-PeFLjubljana, Slovenia. 15. Feb 2017.
- ContributedCubos generalizados y extensiones de politopos abstractos (Generalised cubes and extensions of abstract polytopes)Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico. 25. Oct 2016.
- ContributedToros envolviendo esferas y otras aberraciones similares (Tori wrapping spheres and other similar aberrations)Aquelarre Matemático 2016Mexico City, Mexico. 11. Oct 2016.
- ContributedExtensiones de politopos abstractos altamente simétricos (Chiral extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 18. Aug 2016.
- Invited speakerToros cuadriculados y sus simetrías (Squared tori and their symmetries)"16th Summer school in mathematics CCM - UNAM"Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Jun 2016.
- ContributedEquivelar toroids with few flag-orbitsQueenstown, New Zealand. 16. Feb 2016.
- ContributedTeselaciones simétricas del toro n-dimensional (Symmetric tessellations of the n-dimensional torus)Aquelarre Matemático 2015Mexico City, Mexico. 16. Oct 2015.
- ContributedPolitopos abstractos y algunos de sus grupos (Abstract polytopes and some of their groups)Graduate students seminar CCMMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 18. Aug 2015.
- Contributed"Simetrías: un paseo por la geometría, los mosaicos y los grupos (Symmetries: a walk through geometry, tilings and groups)"Degustaciones Matemáticas 2015Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 14. Feb 2015.
- ContributedRegular polyhedra in the 3-torusWest Malvern, U.K.. 7. Jul 2014.
- By invitationPoliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)Graduate students seminar IM UNAMMexico City, Mexico. 1. Apr 2014.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares ¿Aún siguen de moda? (Regular polyhedra, are they still trendy?)Graduate students seminar CCMMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 8. Nov 2013.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)28th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applicationsMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 5. Mar 2013.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares en pantalla de videojuegos (Regular polyhedra on a video games screen)Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNHMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 10. Nov 2012.
- ContributedColoración en gráficas infinitas (Colorings of infinite graphs)Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNHMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 15. May 2012.
- ContributedUna forma 'barata' de garantizar triángulos en una gráfica (A 'cheap' way of guarantee triangles in a graph)26th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applicationsPachuca, Hgo. Mexico. 11. Mar 2011.
International audience
- ContributedVertex trantisive graph with (very) small movementAuckland, New Zealand. 13. Feb 2024.
- ContributedCayley extensions of maniplexes and polytopesKranjska Gora, Slovenia. 20. Jun 2023.
- Invited speakerToros cuadriculados muy simétricos (Highly symmetric squared tori)Encuentro Nororiental de Matemáticas 2020 (online)Pamplona, Colombia. 18. Nov 2020.
- By invitationA family of regular hypertopes built from regular polytopesToronto, ON., Canada. 7. Dec 2019.
- ContributedHighly symmetric toroidal polytopesBled, Slovenia. 27. Jun 2019.
- ContributedChiral extensions of regular toroidsRogla, Slovenia. 3. Jul 2018.
- ContributedChiral extensions of regular toroidsMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 26. Jun 2018.
- By invitationChiral extensions of chiral polytopesOaxaca, Oax. Mexico. 14. Aug 2017.
- ContributedEquivelar toroids with few flag-orbitsQueenstown, New Zealand. 16. Feb 2016.
- ContributedRegular polyhedra in the 3-torusWest Malvern, U.K.. 7. Jul 2014.
- ContributedUna forma 'barata' de garantizar triángulos en una gráfica (A 'cheap' way of guarantee triangles in a graph)26th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applicationsPachuca, Hgo. Mexico. 11. Mar 2011.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)28th Colloquium "Victor Neumann-Lara" of graph theory, combinatorics and its applicationsMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 5. Mar 2013.
- Invited speakerToros cuadriculados y sus simetrías (Squared tori and their symmetries)"16th Summer school in mathematics CCM - UNAM"Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Jun 2016.
- ContributedExtensiones de politopos abstractos altamente simétricos (Chiral extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 18. Aug 2016.
- Invited speakerCubos de colores y otras cosas similares (Coloured cubes and some other similar objects)Cuernavaca, Mor. Mexico. 26. Jul 2017.
- ContributedCubos generalizados y extensiones de politopos abstractos (Generalised cubes and extensions of abstract polytopes)Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico. 25. Oct 2016.
- ContributedDe un ejemplo con gráficas a un problema con toros (From an example with graphs to a problem on tori)La Habana, Cuba. 5. Mar 2018.
- ContributedExtensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 29. Aug 2018.
- ContributedExtensiones quirales de toros (Chiral extensions of toroids)Villahermosa, Tab. Mexico. 23. Oct 2018.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares ¿Aún siguen de moda? (Regular polyhedra, are they still trendy?)Graduate students seminar CCMMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 8. Nov 2013.
- ContributedPoliedros regulares en pantalla de videojuegos (Regular polyhedra on a video games screen)Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNHMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 10. Nov 2012.
- ContributedColoración en gráficas infinitas (Colorings of infinite graphs)Discrete math seminar FisMat UMSNHMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 15. May 2012.
- Contributed"Simetrías: un paseo por la geometría, los mosaicos y los grupos (Symmetries: a walk through geometry, tilings and groups)"Degustaciones Matemáticas 2015Morelia, Mich. Mexico. 14. Feb 2015.
- ContributedTeselaciones simétricas del toro n-dimensional (Symmetric tessellations of the n-dimensional torus)Aquelarre Matemático 2015Mexico City, Mexico. 16. Oct 2015.
- By invitationPoliedros regulares en el 3-toro (Regular polyhedra in the 3-torus)Graduate students seminar IM UNAMMexico City, Mexico. 1. Apr 2014.
- ContributedPolitopos abstractos y algunos de sus grupos (Abstract polytopes and some of their groups)Graduate students seminar CCMMorelia, Mich. Mexico. 18. Aug 2015.
- ContributedToros envolviendo esferas y otras aberraciones similares (Tori wrapping spheres and other similar aberrations)Aquelarre Matemático 2016Mexico City, Mexico. 11. Oct 2016.
- By invitationSimetrías de toros cuadriculados (Symmetries of squared tori)Graduate students seminar CIMATGuanajuato, Gto. Mexico. 10. Nov 2017.
- By invitationCubic toroids with few flag-orbitsSeminar of Combinatorics and Group Theory, UL-PeFLjubljana, Slovenia. 15. Feb 2017.
- By invitation¿Qué ch*****os hace un matemático puro y por qué les pagamos por ello?Cycle "Tomando ciencia"Morelia, Mich., Mexico. 10. Aug 2019.
- By invitationHighly symmetric polytopes with prescribed local combinatoricsOnline. 2. Mar 2021.
- By invitationExtensiones de politopos áltamente simétricos (Extensions of highly symmetric polytopes)Mexico City, Mexico. 5. Apr 2022.
National audience
Local audience / seminars