Antonio Montero’s personal website

Welcome to my personal/academic website. In this website you will fin most of my academic interests/products.

The CV tab is a web version of my CV; it basically summarises the contents of this website. In the Publications tab you will find a list of my publications. In the Talks section you have a list of most of the talks that I have given as well as the slides of most of them. You can also see a map of where the talks have been given!

Some words about me: currently, I have a postdoc position at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physis of the University of Ljubljana in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Most of my research interests are the symmetry properties of combinatorial objects such as polytopes, maps on surfaces, graphs, etc. In particular, I am interested in construction problems of objects with prescribed combinatorial/symmetry properties.

Finally, because some of you might be interested, pdf-versions containing lots of the information on this website: